HUGO is the Croatian Association for Waste Management, for encouraging and promoting sustainable waste management and the application of practical knowledge in implementation. HUGO wants to strengthen regional and local capacities through the exchange of experiences and joint activities in the field of waste management.
In the Association, a platform of experts in the field of waste management is being created which enables the exchange of experiences and knowledge.
We offer exchanges of experience and knowledge in the field of waste management through: -scientific and professional symposia -thematic workshops - round tables - help in solving problems through profession and science – monthly news from the International Solid Waste Organization (ISWA)
A member of the Association can become an adult, business-capable natural person, who is interested in working in the Association, who has an appropriate higher or higher education, who has relevant professional references in the practical implementation of waste management, who is a recognized expert in the domain of the Association's activities and who accepts provisions of this statute. Also legal entities whose main registered activity is in the domain of waste management and who in the domain of waste management have appropriate, valid consents or permits from competent state administration bodies, i.e. are registered for waste management, can become members of the Association. Legal entities gain membership in the Association through a responsible person or an authorized representative.
Ivana Cankara 21, 10000 Zagreb, HR
Mob: +385 98637781
Mob: +385 989830917
OIB: 03606065481
Hrvatska poštanska banka d.d.
IBAN: HR9123900011100479044